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County Commission Minutes 08/08/01

A regular meeting of the County of Dukes County Commissioners was held on Wednesday, August 8, 2001, at 7:30 p.m. in the Conference Room of the County Administration Building, notice of such meeting having been posted as required by law.

Commissioners Present:  Leslie H. Leland, Chairman
                                E. B. Collins
                                Roger Wey       
                                Leonard Jason, Jr.
                                Robert Sawyer
                                Daniel Flynn
                                John Alley
Also Present:  Carol Borer, County Manager      
                  Marsha Smolev, Executive Assistant
                  Noreen Flanders, County Treasurer
                  Sheriff McCormack
                  Hank Decoteau, Veterans’ Agent
                  Shirley Smolev

Chairman Leland called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

Commissioner Collins Moved that the Minutes of July 11, 2001
be approved as written.  Commissioner Alley Seconded the Motion.
The Minutes were approved unanimously.

The County Manager began her report by stating that the Minutes will demarcate all actions on the part of the County Commissioners in bold.

Mrs. Borer reported that the Island members of the Cape Light Compact would be meeting with Scott Ridley to form a Subcommittee about Energy Efficiency.  

Also reported was the fact that the Contract by the County on behalf of the Towns, and the MV Hospital, has been executed.  A press release is scheduled, as are continued meetings by the Committee of Health Care Services to review activity reports as required by the Contract.
Mrs. Borer reported back to the Commissioners that the Dukes County Regional Housing Authority plans to have completed the Needs Assessment and Rental Surveys some time this fall.  

Mrs. Borer reviewed the process for the Housing Rehabilitation Grant and stated that she met on August 7 with the Consultant Alice Boyd and representatives of Island towns to work on the certifications required for the Grant application.  The Public Hearing on this Grant will be held August 22, at 7 PM in the Conference Room of the Administration Building.

The County Manager mentioned that the questionnaires on the New York Avenue Property are due August 15th.  Also noted, the Rodent Control Officer, TJ Hegarty, traveled to Cuttyhunk to provide information and supplies for this program.  

Associate Commissioner Sandra Lothrop is in a Rehabilitation Center for the month of August.  The Commissioners wished her a speedy recovery and sent flowers and best regards.

There was some discussion surrounding correspondence about the Jury Room space in the Courthouse.  Mrs. Borer is reviewing the rent history.

Mrs. Borer reviewed the Revenue Report dated 8/08/01, noting that Parking Fees have exceeded projected revenue.  The Water Testing Lab revenues have fallen short, probably due to the hiatus in service before the move to the new Building.  Beach Permits have exceeded projections by about $11,660.  Cape and Island License Plates continue to exceed projected revenues.  Revenues here are in excess by $41,529!  

Airport revenues were reviewed and found to be in excess of projections, including those of the Wastewater Treatment Facility.

The Fund Balance was reported as $276,428.81.  

There was some discussion about the fact that last year’s figures are not yet certified.  Mrs. Flanders reported that there would be meetings in October to resolve the draft Budget.  

Mrs. Borer reported on the Department Head meeting of August 3, including the fact that the Registry has exceeded its revenues for Fiscal Year 2002 as a result of the large recent sale of the Herring Creek property.  

Mrs. Flanders explained GASB 34 and the need to reserve funds for hiring professional appraisers.  Discussion followed about market values and capital appraisals.  

The Chairman asked that the Commissioners refrain from speaking without being first acknowledged.  

Commissioner Sawyer reiterated that the Contract has been signed with the MV Hospital for Emergency Medical Services and that the Committee will meet for monthly reviews.  Commissioner Jason thanked Commissioners Sawyer, Collins and Wey for their work on this Committee.

Commissioner Sawyer recalled that at the last meeting there was discussion about possible conflict of interest in the situation surrounding a tenant at the Airport Business Park. Commissioner Sawyer reported that the Ethics Commission told him it would be appropriate to discuss the situation with the County Commissioners, who could then as a body, investigate.  As an individual, however, it would not be appropriate to act.  Commissioner Sawyer still thought it important for the Commissioners to encourage the Airport Commissioners to sit down with the tenant and discuss the matter.
He suggested that the Airport Commissioners refused to do this.

        Commissioner Sawyer Moved that the County Commissioners direct
        the County Manager to so investigate.  Commissioner Alley Seconded
        the Motion for purpose of discussion.

Commissioner Collins stated that while he understood Commissioner Sawyer’s concern and believed that in the future the County Commissioners should be notified if their name is to be included on such a document, he believed it was inappropriate for the County to intervene.  Discussion followed.  Commissioner Collins reiterated that the County Commission is not the master of other commissions and agencies.  Chairman Leland agreed with Commissioner Collins that it was not our place.  He called for the Vote.

        VOTE: All Commissioners voted “nay” except Commissioner Sawyer who
        voted “aye.”  The Motion failed.

Mrs. Borer reported that the vacancy for the Veterans’ Agent position was advertised twice and there were three responses.  Veterans’ Agent Hank Decoteau and Mrs. Borer interviewed two candidates, Jo Ann Murphy and Ed Logan, and were recommending the appointment of Jo Ann Murphy.  

        Commissioner Jason Moved that the County Commissioners appoint
        Jo Ann Murphy to the position of Veterans’ Agent.  Commissioner
        Alley Seconded the Motion that passed Unanimously.

Mrs. Borer and Commissioners thanked Mr. Decoteau for his years of service.  Mr. Decoteau read a statement that asked the Commissioners to reconsider the part-time status of the Veterans’ Agent.  

Commissioner Jason stressed the important work that Mr. Decoteau had accomplished and suggested the Commissioners send him a letter of thanks for his years of service.  Commissioner Sawyer echoed this.

Mrs. Borer reviewed the list of Carry-overs from FY 2001 to FY 2002.  

        Dept.                                   Item                               Amount
017-1700-55100-55020            Storage Building                        $ 4,491.09
017-1700-55200-55300            Miscellaneous Equipment         $64,825.03
        Aerospecialities Inc.           Towbars $  4,436.40
        Wasp Equipment Corp.            Bag Carts       $  7,665.00
        Aviation Equipment Corp.                GPU             $37,950.00
        Ramp Equipment Co.              Tug/Tractor     $  5,400.00
        Brackett Aircraft Co.           Towbars $  2,441.89
        Herman – Nelson Co.             Pre-Heater      $11,368.14
017-1700-55300-55320             Emer. Radio Equip                      $ 1,339.03
017-1700-55400-55400            Office Furniture                        $12,186.25
        Vineyard Decorators             Benches $  4,860.00
        Vineyard Sound + Sail           Awnings $  7,326.25
017-1700-57000-57090            Land Improv/PCE                 $19,165.49
017-1700-56000-56070            Security Fence                  $  8,000.00
Fredricks Engineering   Fencing         $4,885.00
        Identicard Systems              Access Contr    $3,115.00
017-2700-55900-55990            Misc Equipment                  $12,335.35
                                        Heater Replacement
Sheriffs Dept. 3399
146-500-542                     Office Equipment                        $  4,500.00
From FY01 Deeds Excises Tax     (Sheriff’s share)
135-3500-56000-56080            Community Corrections Bldg.     $50,000.00
135-3500-52300-52390            County Administrative Costs     $27,447.45
146-3546-52300-52360            One time medical cost           $  7,552.55     
146-3546-55400-55470            Matching Grant – for            $15,000.00
                                          Fingerprint machine
Dukes County Health Council
1510                                    FY 01 Remaining Appropriation   $30,318.13
Dukes County Regional Housing Authority
2800                                    FY 01 Remaining Appropriation   $30,868.15

        Commissioner Flynn Moved that the County Commissioners approve all
        Items as written in the list of Carry-overs.  Commissioner Jason Seconded
        the Motion.  The Vote to approve the Carry-overs was Unanimous.

Mrs. Borer showed the County Commissioners the design for the County Website Home Page.  

Commissioner Jason Moved that the meeting adjourn.  Commissioner
Alley Seconded the Motion. The meeting adjourned at 8:29 PM.

Complete text of meeting is available on tape at the County Commissioner’s office.
